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All regular Board of Education meetings are held on Tuesday evenings, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 p.m., immediately followed by Open Session at 6:00 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, the meetings will take place at the District Administrative Center, 515 West Main Street, Barrington, Illinois. All Board meetings are live-streamed on the Board's YouTube channel

Click here for meeting agendas.

Notice of eLearning Plan Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of Barrington Unit School District 220, Lake, Cook, Kane, and McHenry counties, State of Illinois, that it has scheduled a public hearing at the Board meeting on December 3, 2024 at 6:15 pm at 515 W. Main Street, Barrington, IL regarding the following: 

Renewal of District 220's eLearning Plan. Public Act 101-0012 of 101st Illinois General Assembly permits local school districts to establish an eLearning plan to address student learning in a remote environment. The District would like to renew this previously approved plan that allows the District to move forward with the overarching plan for distance learning for emergency days. The District's eLearning plan has been previously reviewed and approved by the ROE.

Pursuant to School Board Policy 2:150, the Board of Education may establish committees to assist with the Board's governance function and, in some situations, to comply with state law requirements. Each committee reports directly to the Board of Education. Committee members may include both Board Members and non-Board Members depending on the committee's purpose. Committee appointments are made at the organization meeting of the Board that is held following the consolidated election in April of odd-numbered years. Committee meetings are typically held once per month. 

The purpose of the Facilities Committee is to review facility work across the district, provide guidance on strategic facility initiatives, and ensure community involvement in the district's facilities processes. 
The Barrington High School Fine Arts Department proudly presents the 5th Annual Winter Wonderfest! Winter Wonderfest runs December 13-14, and it will be an open house with activities happening primarily inside the new front atrium addition at BHS. The event will include DJs, carnival games, holiday crafts, hot chocolate for purchase, and more! 

The Barrington High School Fine Arts Department proudly presents the 5th Annual Winter Wonderfest! Winter Wonderfest runs December 13-14, and it will be an open house with activities happening primarily inside the new front atrium addition at BHS. The event will include DJs, carnival games, holiday crafts, hot chocolate for purchase, and more! 

Pursuant to School Board Policy 2:150, the Board of Education may establish committees to assist with the Board's governance function and, in some situations, to comply with state law requirements. Each committee reports directly to the Board of Education. Committee members may include both Board Members and non-Board Members depending on the committee's purpose. Committee appointments are made at the organization meeting of the Board that is held following the consolidated election in April of odd-numbered years. Committee meetings are typically held once per month. The purpose of the Finance Committee is to review the district budget, financial projections, and other important financial documents and reports.
All regular Board of Education meetings are held on Tuesday evenings, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:30 p.m., immediately followed by Open Session at 6:00 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, the meetings will take place at the District Administrative Center, 515 West Main Street, Barrington, Illinois. All Board meetings are live-streamed on the Board's YouTube channel

Click here for meeting agendas.

220 Initiatives

2024-2025 Theme 

The theme in Barrington 220 for the 2024-25 school year is The Place to B!

Learn More


"The Barrington Transition Program provides young adults the opportunity to continue their education beyond Barrington High School and build upon their education/training, employment, and daily living skills. BTP is truly an amazing, unique program that offers authentic and meaningful experiences through community based instruction. It focuses on building confidence through real-world application of skills. Our BTP team ensures there is an intentional and targeted focus on self-advocacy and independence.  I am incredibly excited about the work we are doing and am continually inspired by our students and staff!"

Kat Romero
Director of Student Services

Innovation 220

The Barrington 220 School District is a nationally recognized school district known for its rich history, sense of community and innovative curriculum.

Learn more